Monday, March 16, 2009


So remember when I told the story of modified soccer, and how much work it was?? Well that was easy compared to what I am doing now! TRACK. Running everyday, problay at least 2 miles, preparing for events. I am doing the 100 and I think that's it. I swear by the time track is over I will have a six pack. Today, we did suicides around the 4oo, sprinting the 100, jogging back the 50, sprinting the 100, jogging back the 50. That was a lot of work, but today was easy. Friday's are hard. Friday we did probaly over 3 miles sprinting half of that. After practice I love track, while I am running............ I just think about how much I love it afterwards, that keeps me going.

P.S- Leslie, I could really go for some of your amazing mashed potatoes. In North Carolina I am requesting that for your dinner night, you make your mashed potatoes. Your's are so good!

P.S.S- Notice my grammer, its good.


Leslie said...

I will have to make some to fatten you up again. Girl, I am proud of you. All that running. I wish I was good at it. I am lucky to get a mile in going slow! Tell your Mom I thought of another great neighborhood you guys would love!

Patti said...

Wow Shaye - you are like the energizer bunny. It's great that you have so many interests!

I vote for Leslies mashed potatoes too. They are the best! Maybe we can have a balance of healthy and comfort foods this year.

bryan said...

Leslie's mashed potatoes..good choice Tae Tae.

I'm hungry.