Thursday, February 19, 2009

THE BRACES (have been) OFF

Yeah that' right, i got my braces off. Since 4th grade i had some type of metal in my mouth, and now i don't! i got them off i think 2 weeks ago. It was in the middle of the school day, during my lunch period, so afterwards me and my dad had to go out to lunch. that was really fun. for 3 years i never knew how big my teeth actualy were and that i actually had gommes. now i can eat anything i want, brush my teeth 2 times a day and not get food stuck in my braces. now all i have to do is wear a retainer at night for the rest of my life (not too bad ) i did take pics of the before and after, but i stupidly dropped my camera and broke it. i do have pics on my dad's phone but i don't know how to do that so i will have him put them on some other time.

Sunday, February 1, 2009