Sunday, May 11, 2008


This is my pretty kitty Lilly. We had gotten her last Summer and we all love her. She is the funniest, cutest and smartest cat I have ever met. My dog had died last December and I missed her a lot and I needed another animal. My parents didn't want a dog right away because we aren't home enough to take it for walks and let it out, so I really wanted a kitten. There was only one problem though, my mom is alergic to cats. We knew there was a lady that lived down the street that did cat rescued and my mom told me we could go talk to her. After a long time of waiting on our home we saw her working outside and we asked her about the idea of having a cat. At that time she was fostering Lilly, the one that was really hyper and another cat that was calm but needed medicine every day. of course I like the hyper one, (Lilly) and we worked it out that we would take Lilly for a week and if my mom wasn't having huge reactions we would keep her. My mom was fine with Lilly. Every once and a while she will have a small reaction, but only because she was proably holding Lilly or she was close to her face. Lilly has been great and we all love her.

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